Social Media Tactics for Student Athletes, Coaches, Administrators, and Applications for Business – Jay Izso – AND 25
December 14, 2018I have heard it said, especially from coaches, "social media and athletes are like oil and water, the two just…Social Media Introverts Make It Impossible to Measure Your Social Media Influence and Effectiveness
February 7, 2018Recently I was in the gym when a long time friend came up to me and said, "I love your…Mega-Bad: Consumers No Longer Motivated to Like Facebook Business Pages
February 7, 2018I have talked and written about the death of the Facebook Business Fan Page. It has since then taken a…You Want Me to Connect with What? The Social Mediology of the Profile Picture
February 7, 2018Your picture is important. As a matter of fact if the research on social media is telling us anything it…Note to Marketing: Change or Die
February 7, 2018"Marketing is Dead!" HOLD ON! I didn't say that . However, they may be right. The always connected consumer has…Critical: Your Linkedin Profile Photo
August 15, 2015So many people underestimate the power of their profile picture. Yet psychologically it is the first thing we look at.…What Does Your Consumer Really Want…Better Sex or the Meaning of Life?
October 14, 2013If we really want to use social media for business effectively and receive the most benefit, we really do need…Social Media Lessons from Miley Cyrus: She Twerked it Worked
August 27, 2013Miley Cyrus did her "twerking" and while people and critics were confused, appalled, and outraged, her social media said one…Faceborg Determines Value, Quality, and Relevancy…Resistance is Futile.
August 24, 2013Surprise! Facebook has a new algorithm for Facebook pages. They recently published in their blog that they conducted a survey with…The Social Media Business Secret You Haven’t Been Told
August 13, 2013Recently I read an article from Jay Baer @JayBear entitled "Is Twitter Massively Overrated?" he has research with some very…