Social Media Psychology & Business: Focus on the User…Not the platform!
November 2, 2012Is there a psychology to social media? Yes. If one truly wants to be successful using social media you should…How to be Unfollowed on Twitter: Top 10 Reasons + 5
July 26, 2012Small business and Twitter many times is like oil and water. For many they just do not mix. One of…Creating a Picture of Social Media Influence, Klout, and Kred #Infographic
July 7, 2012Psychology is my passion. Not to far a way is statistics and measurement. It is true that one can…Pay to Post…The Rules Have Changed For Facebook Business Pages
June 27, 2012Well it's officially over. The days of that FREE Facebook business page that you created is no longer FREE. Well,…Facebook Business Pages…Why They Fail?
June 7, 2012I have been reading and hearing more and more conversations about Facebook Business Fan pages. The most frequently asked question…