Are people unfollowing you on Twitter. Have you ever felt like you are saying things that just are not solid. Here is a simple solution, a gentle reminder, some coating relief for those moments when you just struggle to have something of substance to say.
Twitter, is part social, part business, part nonsense. However, the interesting thing is you can choose which way you want to use it. What’s great is that you can change the way you use it from day to day, hour to hour etc. The first step is to use it. The second step is not only to write something, it also means talking to other people about what they write. If you think for a moment that you are the guru where everyone will just come to read your “tweets” you are sadly mistaken. Unless you really are a guru, it is going to take effort on your part to read what others “tweet” and “tweet” back in the form of a “reply”. Yes sir, yes ma’am Twitter is a “two-way tweet”, if you cannot accept that, then the truth is you really do have “tweeterhhea”.