Resilient Leadership Habits for Turbulent Times

    Rise Up: Leadership Habits for Turbulent Times - Ali Grovue and Mike Watson - Rise Up - A New Direction with Jay Izso

    Ali Grovue - Reslient Leadership - Rise Up - A New Direction with Jay IzsoTo say that we are living in some turbulent times is an understatment. It is during turbulent times like these that we are all tested, but it is where we see great leadership emerge, and at the same time weak leadership to fail. One trait that is for sure in great leadership is reslience. The abMike Watson - Ignite Management - Reslient Leadership - Rise Up - A New Direction with Jay Izsoility to keep going when we keep getting hit. When circumstances and economies surround and attack our business.  It is during those times where resilient leadership must show up and lead the way.  In this episode of A New Direction Ali Grovue & Mike Watson encourage us as leaders though six interrconnected habits of reslient leadership. Whether you are aspiring to leadership, are in leadership and want to become even greater this show is for you!

    Rise Up: Leadership Habits for Turbulent Times: Grovue, Ali, Watson, Mike: 9781773271767: BooksAli Grovue and Mike Watson‘s book is entitled Rise Up: Leadership Habits for Turbulent Times.  It is 100 pages of powerpacked practical mindsets and behaviors that anyone can practice and will see improvement in their leadership.  Rise up requires that we take a deep dive into ourselves in our leadership positions and as people and ask the hard questions so that we can not only handle change, but lead change.  The book is filled with real examples, and great research.  Rise up will be a book that you will refer to again and again as a resource for you to enhance your leadership regardless of how long you have been a leader.

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