Relationships. It really is what makes our life…life. Where would we be without them? Well, first of all you and I would not have been born so there’s that. But, our relationships do add spice to life, and in fact we relate to not just people, but animals, places and things. If you are married or have a significant other then you know how our relationships can affect us on the other person, if you have a sibling, there too, your relationships ebb and flow. If you have children, grandchildren, parents, friends, neighbors, colleagues at work, all of these relationships have some affect. So, how do we make the best of them and at the same time allow them to affect us in a positive way. Enter author/writer Beverly Mann Lessard on this episode of A New Direction as she takes us through some insights into relationships and how we can best deal with them.
In Beverly Lessard’s book Relationships she gives us snapshots, glimpses, and slices of her relationships. And in every slice there is a moral to the story, a point that when it’s done you must evaluate yourself and decide if you are majoring on the minors and minoring on the majors. Beverly is absolutely and totally vulnerable from her marriage to her grandchildren to the Dunkin Donuts people who know her by name and hand her Hazelnut Decaf Black coffee, to dealing with a baby ground who is eating her flowers and attacks her broom as she tries to shoo him away. Relationships as you can imagine are filled with warmth, joy, laughter, and ups and downs. A book I promise will lift your spirits.
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Linda Craft & Team, Realtors for 35 years their customers call their customer service “legendary”, but Linda and her team built their business on building relationships and understanding your home is full of memories that are important to you! That makes it important to her and her team. Check out and Check out their Facebook Page
Also please support our combat veterans! The All Secure Foundation is an organization that we at A New Direction are proud to support financially and vocally. Check out this video: