If you are in professional sales for any length of time, you have heard it before…”A-B-C…Always Be Closing”. While it sounds funny, there is, in reality some truth to that statement. The fact is, when it comes to sales if you are not closing, you are in fact not selling. We are not talking about some slimy sales pitch person who is forcing his or her sales will on you, we are talking about the professional sales person who is truly attempting to provide a product or service that a consumer is looking for.
The fact is there is an art to sales, and to master it, well, you need an expert. Enter Benjamin Brown, Ben, as you will come to affectionately know him. He is a marine,
a sales expert, sales coach, some may even call him the “sales whisperer”. The fact is Ben is passionate about selling and he shares with us some of the steps to closing the sale from his book “Master the Art of Closing the Sale”
Master the Art of Closing the Sale is, in fact, a ten step guide to getting you testimonials, and more referrals so you can keep you business generating. Listen to the episode but buy the book! Ben will even sign a copy directly, or if you prefer the Kindle version head on over to Amazon.
Trust me if you are in sales regardless of how seasoned or not so seasoned you are Episode 23 of A New Direction will be tremendously helpful.
If you would like to learn more about Ben Brown go to www.360salesconsulting.com or if you would like to schedule an appointment to have Ben coach you personally, just go to meetwithbenjamin.com
Again, a special shout out goes to our sponsor ENLIGN Business Brokers and Advisors. If you hafe a business and would like to sell and need to find a business broker that will confidentially and securely negotiate you the very best deal. Look no further than contacting the Business Brokers and Advisors at ENLIGN. They have the experience, the knowledge, and koow exactly how to protect you, and the business that you built. Contact them just got to www.ENLIGN.com