Depression is one of those topics that typically we like to stray from. Everyone has their own view of depression. As a matter of fact what I have learned as a psychological professional is those who are not psychological professionals seem to have all the answers behind depression. The fact is even as professionals we do not have ALL the answers. It is a much more complicated issue. That is because this is a brain problem.

I have always found it interesting that when it comes to issues of the brain, like depression we treat the person and the problem differently than we do if , let us say, someone broke their arm, sprained an ankle, , had a thyroid deficiency, or a hormonal imbalance. Somehow if someone has a brain issue, all of a sudden it becomes different. We look at them different. We label them different. We know longer recommend a doctor, but have some philosophical or theological idea that has the answer. I have found all these solutions both sad and frustrating.
The fact is that the brain is an organ in your body. If your kidneys fail do you give people some hypothetical philosophical theological solution. Of course not. If your heart has a problem is the first thing we say, “well you need to think this way, or feel that way, or some other cliche’…absolutely not! Friends, the brain is no different ,and because someone has depression we need to back off of our ideas and treat it the same way we would treat any other organ or part of the body, and understand the brain can break, be sprained, malfunction, and need physical treatment like any other part of our body. The brain is a physical thing, not a hypothetical thing. Our brain is an electro-chemical physical organism that is so complex that one chemical of thousands that pass through billions of microscopic synaptic clefts can cause a great deal of dysfunction for all of us.

My guest Chris A. Jones, Author of the science fiction series Reversione is one such person who must daily deal with depression. He did not choose it. For whatever reason it chose him. His brain became deficient for whatever reason and the doctors are still trying to figure out the right medications to handle his brain malfunction.
is one such person who must daily deal with depression. He did not choose it. For whatever reason it chose him. His brain became deficient for whatever reason and the doctors are still trying to figure out the right medications to handle his brain malfunction.
![Reversione: Reset the Future by [Jones, Chris A.]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/516%2Bl9oepEL.jpg)
That doesn’t mean that Chris leaves it only to the medical doctors to help him with his depression. Chris also understands that he has some responsibility on his own to help him through it. A great deal of his responsibility is recognizing what is going on and then rather than giving into the depression finding the right people and things to help him get through those moments and times.
One such outlet for Chris was science fiction. It was a distraction for him. It seemed to allow him to escape what was happening in his current world so that he could go somewhere else and be relieved of the symptoms. What turned out to be a distraction actually turned into a productive venture for him of writing his own science fiction books and his current series Reversione.
In episode 29 of A New Direction you will here Chris and I discuss his depression how he has dealt with it. Some of the issues he struggled with and currently struggles with. This show is to help people understand that you first you may not even realize you have depression, but also to be encouraged you are not alone, and there is hope. There always is hope. This show is also for those of us who may know someone who is depressed and find a way to help and encourage or friends and family how to get the appropriate help, and for them to know you are right there to be supportive. Enjoy the show, and please share with those you know who could use a lift.

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