Change Your Business from the Inside Out – Erika Andersen

    Business Change from the Inside Out - Erika Andersen -A New Direction with Jay Izso

    Erika Andersen Change from the Inside Out - A New Direction with Jay IzsoLet’s be honest the world is changing at an amazing pace.  Technology is moving so fast that as soon as you purchase technology it is already obsolete.   As we come through the pandemic we have watched which companies were able to handle change and which ones sadly could not.   The other fact is that if we are not willing to change, or chose to ignore it.  those businesses will die.   And then there are times when businesses try to change, but fail, because rather than understanding how to make the entire organization change,  they dictate change and the business dies again.  How can you avoid all that?  How can you make a successful change in your business?  Fortunately for us we have Erika Andersen the founder of Proteus the leaders in business change here on A New Direction.

    Change from the Inside Out: Making You, Your Team, and Your Organization Change-Capable: Andersen, Erika: 9781523000395: BooksErika Andersen‘s Book “Change from the Inside Out” is powerful, practical and detailed on how companies can achieve change.  The first step is to make sure that you as the leader have the mindset shift.  And the it requires that you bring your people along to the right mindset shift.  Sadly, and this is often missed, leaders typically become a dictator with change and it all fails.  Erika Andersen in “Change from the Inside Out” helps you work through the leadership issues of change, the employee issues with change, and the organizational issues such as culture when it comes to change.  Make sure you get your copy and check out additional information at

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