There are many books that will talk about how to increase revenue. But few focus on small to medium size service -based businesses. Even fewer can gaurantee it and use math to prove it? Well on this episode of A New Direction Michael Buzinski founder and CEO of BuzzBizz Media joins us to fulfill his promise that if you follow “The Rule of 26” and achieve its 3 objectives, you will double your website revenue. Let me ask you this if you could watch or listen to a show that could help you double your revenue from your website, and it was free…would you do it?
Michael Buziniski, or “Buzz” as he is often called book, “The Rule of 26: For Service Based Businesses: 3 Steps to Doubling Your Website Revenue” is a no nonsense, no fluff book that will help every small to medium size business website double it’s revenue. So you are asking, what is “The Rule of 26“? Well simply put it starts with knowing three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Unique Visitors, Conversion Rate and Average Revenue Per Client (ARPC). Where does 26 come in…really simple if you increase each of those areas by 26% you will double your website revenue. Don’t think it applyes to you? Think again, your website is the one employee that works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, takes no holidays and requires no insurance…it should be at the top of your investment list.
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